I love this book, beginning with the title all the way through to the final word. Rarely have I been as enthralled by a piece of work as I am by Phil Bolsta’s remarkable Through God’s Eyes. Each time I opened it to read a few pages, I found that I could not stop. I told myself, “Just one more page,” but inevitably I kept on reading, even though I had read many of the chapters before. Part of the exquisite beauty of this book is that you will want to read it again and again. Such is the gift of genuine inspiration and grace.
Yet another reason I love this book is that I am enamored with prayer, reflection, contemplation, and wisdom. We live in a society that is starving and indeed suffering from the absence of all four of those sacred practices—and it shows. Through God’s Eyes presents immeasurable opportunities for prayer, reflection, and spiritual inquiry, all threaded together by a continuum of wise teachings in such a way that the reader is brought into a gentle state of contemplation with ease. You will find yourself wanting to reflect on the insightful writings of the numerous mystics, theologians, philosophers, poets, scientists, and writers that Phil has cleverly gathered together.
Over two pages, for example, he blends the wisdom of Henry David Thoreau, C. S. Lewis, Deepak Chopra, Rabindranath Tagore, and my personal favorite, Teresa of Avila. I could create a weekend workshop centered around the stunning offerings—presented on just two pages of this remarkable book—by these five individuals.
Phil alternates these inspiring quotes with his own perceptive and finely crafted narrative. Consider this observation from one of the pages mentioned above: “You boldly and confidently move forward, trusting that Divine Intelligence is directing you to the people, situations, and events that will serve your highest good.”
Who doesn’t need to know that? Whose life is not better for having faith in such guidance? It’s worth pausing for ten minutes in the midst of a busy day to close your eyes and ask yourself, “What do I trust in this world? Do I truly believe in a God that I trust? If not, then what do I believe in?”
I love this book because I know all too well how much people need this book. I know that prayer, or reflective sacred thought, is the most powerful force we have available to us as human beings. I also know that few truths are as difficult to understand or to believe as that one. I’ve had more than one person ask me, “Do you have any prayers that work?” hoping that I would have a magic quick-fix formula that a person could use to make his or her life just feel better. But life is not like that and prayer is not magic. Prayer and contemplation are about taking the time to understand who we are and why we make the choices we do. As a result, we learn more about ourselves, our inner nature, and how to exist in harmony with the wisdom of life.
For the past ten years, I’ve conducted workshops on prayer and healing. Before that, I avoided doing workshops on either subject, as I was deeply aware of the contradiction that existed in the consciousness movement that allowed for “energy” discussions but not prayerful ones. Then, as my work became more directly involved with classical mystical theology, I introduced healing and prayer. No one was more surprised than I was by the healings that took place during workshops dedicated to my book, Entering the Castle, which was inspired by the writings of Teresa of Avila. Time after time, as people opened themselves to the silent power of grace and healing, they experienced profound physical as well as emotional healings. I wish I had had Phil’s book on hand as a gift to give these wonderful people after such profound workshops. His book feeds the open soul. His book feeds the soul seeking healing. And his book is a comfort to the soul going through the dark night.
I love this book because it is timeless and it is for everyone. Through God’s Eyes is an enlightened piece of work that is an essential read for all people who are truly devoted to the care and refinement of their soul. I will add that I feel privileged to write the Foreword for Phil not just because I believe so strongly in this book, but also because he has been a friend for twenty years. Phil is a contemporary mystic, a man whose life is a living commitment to spiritual service. I am honored to know him.
Caroline Myss
Author of Anatomy of the Spirit, Entering the Castle, and Defy Gravity